Saturday, October 31, 2015

Sirao Flower Farm in Cebu

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I know this picture will catch your attention. hahahahahaha!!!

Seriously! I passed through this place many times during our mountain trips here in Cebu.   Surprise!!!   I didn't even know there is flower farm in our backyard! The vendors told me they've been here many years selling flowers!

Let's go!!!!!!!!!!!!

A short notice from rider buddies to invade the flower farm in the mountains, we got up early 6:00 AM to assemble in the nearby gasoline station along the Salinas Drive in Lahug.

Ahhhhhhhhh..... a beri beri beriiii pamilyarr place (only riders can understand)  

As soon as we completed our headcounts in our meeting area, we zoooomed our way through the mountains with excitement with goal in mind.... pictures with the flowers! aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh

How to get there?

The location of the flower farm is in Barangay Sirao, just a few hundred meters away from Ayala heights. If you are not familiar with the location, you can follow this map here.

 "No baynti no entri"

Yes the rumors are true. They took the entrance fee seriously.

As far as I know this is the 2nd traffic on the mountains.  First was the Temple of Lea with a smaller access road than this. Now this!! the new traffic problem.  We must fix this! People are invading like cray crayyy.

Are you expecting an epic panoramic photo?

I'm sorry to burst your bubble but this is the best thing I can get from panoramic photo.  All I see is people and not flowers alone!

Here with my rider buddies, waiting for the opportunity for the people to finish their poses. Just chillin on the sidelines no big deal.

I'm chillin... orrayyyt rak n roll!

Take note!

They do have supply of flowers all year round.  Some flowers are seasonal they usually bloom around January, May , and October.   Their next harvest is Sinulog.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Is it worthy to reach Marmol Cliff?

If you are crazy enough to bring your moto/darling beast and make a splash (river surfing - pun intended).. then YES!!!!!!!!

Luckily, we were able to convince our "habal-bahal" tour guide to lead us the way to the Marmol cliff. I remember it took us an hour to reach the destination challenging our way through the river bed, cross the waters, and sometimes feel our rear wheel drained its soul to the void of nothingness - but it was pure fun.

Felt like riding on your iron balls on diagonal direction...... like surfer.

Honestly, I didn't know about the cliff in the first place until my bike buddies invited me and put us into challenge.

How to get there?

Marmol Cliff is located in Tuburan Municipality, Cebu. For the sake of safety, it is recommended that you bring a local or tour guide to reach the destination. Our best choice was a tour guide with motorcycle. You can find "habal-habal" drivers (moto legends) near the Municipal Hall and deal them with a certain amount but I leave that to you.   Here is a map link  as the starting point of the river adventure.

When not to go?

Rainy season or after the rain.  The river will be flooded with waters from the mountains. It is bad if you get caught in the rain in the middle of the trip. If you are with your motorcycles, you will be stuck there for hours!  The last time we went there the clouds were grey and the adrenaline rush starts to kick-in slowly.

Behold! our tour guide's sexy beast!

This is a masterpiece that withstand the forces of nature! All those modified frames of steel blessed by dirty hands from a great mechanics in our era. This beast is capable of carrying several people on a wild terrain!

Motorcycles with low clearance are not good for this trip. The probability of hitting your fairings is high specially with scooters. Imagine the half of your wheel is drowned in the waters while your moto engine is having a free car wash mixed with stones and sand.... very very bad for cruisers and scooters.

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