Monday, January 20, 2020

How I manage GIGABYTES of Images

Every time I finish taking photos on  Transcentral highway (a.k.a Cebu TCH) I usually end up from 4 GigaBytes to 10 Gigabytes of data on my SD Card. Consisting around 2,000 to 5,000 shutter counts on a single day.

Mostly, when I shoot photos for outdoor or event (non serious photos) I usually do it on JPEGs only (no RAW).
I dont want to deal with thousands of RAW files, most data are not used and it's pretty much pointless to go on that path. I only work with RAW if there is a serious photoshoot only.

When I copy photos from SD card to the computer, I keep them all in one folder.

Next step is to create a web-optimized copy of all images. This way, I can upload adequate quality for Facebook or Blog.  I mostly do this by batch processing, few clicks and then move on with an attached watermark.

Optimized images are created in a separate folder, my next action is to delete the unnecessary images I dont need. Delete inappropriate shots including the bad ones.  This way I have less error of selecting usable photos along the way. Select the bad one, delete,  move on to the next photo. 

I will end up around 200 to 500 images, depends how I see fit.  Estimate around 300 Megabytes of uploadable content.

QUESTION: Do you edit photos?
Yes and No. For event and outdoor shoots, I only let the camera do the magic with my specific settings.  I'm too lazy to edit thousand photos to some data I dont use.  It's a total waste of time doing editing on each photo.

QUESTION: What Editing Software?
Just any software that can do batch process.

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