Makan Food Kiosk: Unlimited Sugba in Liloan

Makan Food Kiosk: Unlimited Sugba is Located at Liloan Cebu. An Asian Fusion Restaurant

Facebook Page:

Google Map Location for techy nerds: 

Serve Lunch and Dinner.  
Open until 8:00 PM

To reach this place, head to the Yati Intersection on the Central Nautical Highway. Turn west on Yati Road heading for the mountain area. Follow the road map and you will be greeted on their banners on the "right side" of the road based on your direction of travel.  Drive slow so you won't miss their block.

Here is the symbol of Makan Food Kiosk.

Facing the other side, It's a cool nice place to hangout with friends.

You'll be greeted with portable grill/stove and grill your food on the table. You can get more choices available at their main serving tables.


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